Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Welcome to Your Senses

avyukta - the crystal clear

It took a fair deal of time to decide pon a name for my new computer. It was one month before, when the PC buying decision was taken. Since then, I've been trying to do the best to make it a really different computer, and luckily - it is.

I browsed a lots of sites for a good name. I was in search for an Unfamiliar Unpopular, Complex Sweet Female name (whew !!) that had a fascinating pronounciation and a smiling meaning. I found a beautiful site that gave me really great names, and Wow ! Whats that name ??... thats when avyukta conquered me.

my new PC (Black ironically !) was named The Crystal Clear - Avyukta, and even this blogroll has the same. lets see how far it goes

1 comment:

சிவாஜி said...

ur blog name is very nice!
and the photos are awesome and delightful!
I have taken some for my collection!
