Sunday, June 05, 2005

China takes on Hollywood

I dont know if there is a term like "Hollywood" and "Bollywood" (of course, i hate Kollywood for Tamil film industry - i suggest Jollywood for Tamil, whats your take ??) for the Chinese film industry. Anyways, this Chinese movie has taken over the entire Hollywood by awe.

[ctsy - KungFuHustle ]

There is no story in the movie (or atleast it is simple..) and the movie doesnt depend on it. The key part is the Action sequences and the Rolling comedy. You have digital graphics effects on both. Freeze frame/ Slow motion sequences are the best you can see. This movie has brought in scenes that you did not watch in Matrix.

The comedy scenes involving Stephen Chow (he is the director as well) is amazing. I was imagining Kamalhaasan and Yuki Sethu in Panchathanthiram.

[ctsy - KungFuHustle ]

Many reviews are in praise of the movie and Stephen Chow for the movie is really Bloody and the action is too violent. But strangely you will have a laughter on your face when watching it. It is like watching some Leslie Neilson movies with really great Action Sequences.

You better watch this movie. BTW the Tamil Dubbing of the movie seems to Rock the theatres.
Mirattal Adi is the name and it has all the common Madras Slang features in it. I dont know why all the movies are pushed with Madras language. I did like the Tamil Dubbing of Titanic, but others are all useless crap of making a good movie untolerable.

Raghu and Karthik say Mirattal Adi is good, just because of the Tamil. Go have a watch.


Anonymous said...

I had already written about Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon acquiring mainstream status in spite of being a crossover film. We need to do something to take Bharateeya films too to the world center stage. Not just get nominated like Nayakan and Lagaan for just the awards.

KRTY said...

exactly thennavan.
i would say, we do not have the tech edge to produce quality graphics.

we could only say "We are best", but actually we are poorer in terms of movie technology. One Kamalhaasan uses Matrix stunts in Aalavandhaan, but no one to take off. We still see Vijayakanth fighting nonsense.

there's a problem with the directors. We dont think beyond reality, which is the real essence of movies. It is people's mistake to show constant liking on movies that are close to life.. you can watch that out of your window.

Movies need to have Fantasy. Reality is fantasy could be appreciated by Global audience. Break the language barriers and make a movie for the world.

If someone is ready to direct, im ready to produce (if someone could finance me....)