Friday, June 10, 2005

Lateral Worries

I was talking to my neighbour about the Entrance Taking Exit in Tamil Nadu. He told me an Illustration, Ladies and Gentlemen - be prepared for this.

There is a girl in my X-school, and she has been doing really great in her academics. She has been dreaming all MBBS. It has been her desire to become a doctor, eversince she was a Kid. And you should see the way she studied, for her exams. Unfortunately she had scored 598/600 in her main subjects.(I nearly fainted at this point,.I cant handle big numbers).

Now with very limited seats for MBBS, and few students scoring 600/600, and No entrance exam marks considered. Add Our very old and useless Reservation system. Whats the Bottomline ?

A Girl cannot get a medical seat despite great effort and brilliant mark.

Now, Iam confused. I feel pity for the girl. How would you react. ???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A similar thought ..