Monday, January 23, 2006

TN Elections - A half-boil Analysis

Yesterday at work, we dug into the politics, and analysed the upcoming elections in TN.

Who will win, this time, is a trivial question nobody would dare to answer, as the probability is 0.5

Mind you, it is not because of the Plus and Minus on both DMK and ADMK. But, it is because of the Plus and Minus on just the ADMK side. DMK has no say, but just criticize and mock at the ADMK.

Why should 42 people dying in the attempting to get the relief money, ruin the chances of ADMK winning, when the ADMK govt had made lakhs of others benefit out of the relief measures ? If that would be spoken on any stage of DMK, that would be cheap political stunt.

Lift on Entrance Exams, "Ilavasa Seruppu podum Idam" in temples, the recent SCV game and a lot other changes by the TN Govt, touched the common man, and most were happy about the decisions. Well, thats precisely the objective of a Government.

Yet, aborting the "Uzhavar Sandhai" and "Mini Bus", the Jewels of the Ex-DMK Govt, after ADMK got to power was a very very ugly move.

Every single man appreciated ADMK Govt. the way the Govt Emp. Strike was encountered. But the Rollbacks of Every single amendment, after the Central elections, is a complete set-back. Did it show the fear ?

More negatives are POTA arrest of MDMK leader, and the Sankaracharya Arrest. They are long forgotten now. However, political ground is always a hallmark of Blame Games. So, it is only in the Talks of the politicians that this election results will matter.

Let us wait and See.


Anonymous said...

Blogs-la arasiyal pesa koodathu :-)

Anonymous said...

yaaru vantha enna? enna porutha varikum DMK and ADMK vuku A thaan vithiyaasam