Saturday, May 27, 2006

Cartoons and Illustrations

Not that I hate Arjun Singh for the recent policies. But I liked the way the media drew cartoons about the act and the person. They had used a lot of Creativity to destroy a person and his policy. Mandal II wouldnt have come without Hardwork, but the adomance to not take feedback and opinions is what creates trouble.

Forget that. I tried my hands on expressing through pictures. I draw cartoons but people object. So, here's a photoshop illustration.

Vatsan suggested Meera Kumari, who is trying to have a Mandal III for Reservations in Private Sector.

I told him we can do it, when it happens. What else can we do, when the politicians keep doing things which dont interest us ? We can only sit and protest or Draw cartoons or Write a inept post on Chennai Metroblog ;)


Anonymous said...

Really AH this guy is. If you dont come out with constructive ideas..Ok but this one was too much to take

Anonymous said...

hmm. in this i would go by vatsan's stand. ippove cartoon podanum.... adhenna wait pannuradhu?

namalum kooda mainstram media madhiri dhaan. edhvadhu nadandha adhai pathi eludhuvom, aprom vera season la vera elduvuom...

Mandal 3 illai, mandal 100 vandhaalum oru difference um irukaadhu....

I agree to most of yr views except yr concept of "merit".
oru course padikka mark vangaradhu dhaan merit nu enaku therila...

interest, aptitude, temperament nu neraya irukku.. not to mention urban rural divide or the rich poor divide

if we talk abt "merit" as marks in 12th, we r not even accepting those factors exist...

maybe i am living in my own idealistic world...