Monday, September 04, 2006

Opening an Account was never this easier !

I was inside a room, very similar to the one that I was in three years back. A room full of strangers carrying mildly archive-smelling papers (aka certificates). Lotsa paperworks. I wish my address was something like "1600 Pensylvania Avenue". My biiiig home address made me feel bad. Every form had a comunication address and permanent address (places where I couldnt say "Same as above").

Certificate Verification / Forms verification / Relieving Order verification and so on. After that, three guys came in. Stancha (Thats how they pronounce Standard Charted !), HDFC and ICICI banks made a presentation on their products, and canvassed to capture our salaries into their banks. People inside that room, made varied choices, and in a matter of 20 minutes we all had our Debit Cards in our hands.

Instant Kits with Debit Cards , PIN for the bank , PIN for Netbanking , Cheque book and what not. Debit cards wont have your names embossed over it. We can do it at a later point of time (which in most cases would be Never).

I was given a Kit, and I struggled to open it. The Bank guy came to my assistance. I told him, "Opening an Account was much easier than this" (Again, any ad company using this tag line must pay me Royalty!).

They asked me to apply for a Credit Card and I told them I already had one from the same bank. They suggested me to convert that into the corporate account. Mine was alerady a HPCL card, and had most of the normal card benefit.

"Whats the benefit ? ", I asked him.

"Well, Sir.. When you show this credit card, you will be allowed into the Airport free of cost, No entry fee !".

Adappaavi makkka ! I came into this company to go into the Airport as a passenger. But this guy is giving me a Platform ticket, in the name of a Credit Card ! I associated it with Libi.

You guys know what a Libi is ?


Sreekrishnan said...

Well, Sir.. When you show this credit card, you will be allowed into the Airport free of cost, No entry fee !". - lol !!!

i cant imagine he said that !! ...

Libi - doesnt make sense as from what i read in wikipedia !!

pRaBhU said...

try closing it .. u'll be harassed!!